Showcasing the Future of In-Vehicle Experiences
The world’s biggest IT exhibition Consumer Electronics Show(CES) was held in Las Vegas.
At CES, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. prepared the biggest booth with a size of 3600 square meters and welcomed more than 30,000 visitors.
At the driving booth, visitors was able to simulate the driving. With I'mFINE, KALLOS participated on producing solutions which give drivers real-time traffic information including AR-based driving information, navigator, road condition and dangerous situation etc.
“Human Centered Experience”
The primary goal of the exhibition was to transmit Samsung's vision about "Hybrid Mobility Lifestyle” to the visitors with accuracy.
To express how Mobility make people's lives convenient and comfortable in a more intuitive way and determine exactly where the exhibition is headed, we picked 3 key words.
These are Mobilities that Samsung thinks.
A. Mixed reality
B. Health Care
C. Work Environment
Production IMFINE that participated on this project together developed solutions that help drivers to focus on driving by connecting car camera to galaxy phone or "samgsung health" app for galaxy watch.
Launch - 2022
Client - SAMSUNG
Production - KALLOS

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